Are you interested in sponsoring Devil Robotics?

Our current membership fees cover our basic running expenses and parents cover travel costs associated with competitions, but we require funding to hold events and training to support the growth of robotics programs in schools and other organisations. Additionally we require funds to purchase equipment, tools, robotic kits, and computers. 

Additional support would enable us to:

  • Offer more places for participants in our current programs, including subsidised places.
  • Support the development of additional programs in other locations, including rural, remote, or otherwise disadvantaged areas.
  • Undertake more STEM outreach activities, including hosting events for other robotics groups, school visits, and holiday programs.

In return, your organisation would feature as our sponsor on our website and social media channels. This would help your business gain exposure among our parents/mentors and in the broader community across Tasmania. 


With the help of our sponsors, we aim to inspire young people to be leaders and innovators in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. 

Thanks to all the organisations and individuals that have supported Devil Robotics over the past two years, including: